Why Choose Snyder IBC Tote Tanks

斯奈德中型散货集装箱(ibc)是独特的设计和制造,以提高运输的安全性和性能, 存储, and dispensing materials for your company and on-site at your customer’s plants. 客户通常选择斯奈德IBC托特罐替代容器产品,以获得以下一个或多个好处.


Closed Loop Reusable Container Functionality

Good for your company, your customers, and the environment.

One way disposable drums and IBCs create unnecessary work, waste and risks. Customers are burdened with the costs and labor to segregate, 清洁, and dispose of one way containers, 运输单向集装箱的供应商可能对处置过程中对集装箱和/或其内容物的任何误用或在某些其他应用中试图重新使用集装箱承担责任. 在使用过的单向容器被修复或处置服务机构接受之前,工人在进行三次冲洗和检查期间也有接触化学品的潜在风险.

相反, 闭环可回收容器系统不仅消除了单向容器的大部分问题, 但通常为托运人和用户提供更健壮的容器设计和改进的功能性能. From an economic point of view, Snyder’s returnable and refillable containers are built to last for many trips over many years, so the cost per gallon on the investment becomes fractional over time.

In an effort to maximize the efficiency and safety of a closed loop container design, 斯奈德ibc可以配备防篡改和/或证明设备,确保返回的集装箱可以快速批准重新填充和释放下一批货物. Snyder IBCs can also be marked with permanent company and product identification data, 并且/或者配备遥测监控设备,以帮助识别集装箱并协调退货物流.

广场可叠起堆放的 IBC Totes

Superior Chemical and Corrosion Resistance

Compatible Solutions for Any Application

Regardless of the application, 施耐德工业有一个IBC解决方案,将最大限度地抵抗化学侵蚀和腐蚀, 哪些将减少与非为特定应用程序需求设计的ibc相关的更换和维护成本. 防止IBC的误用不仅增加了避免不必要事故的可能性, but also helps ensure a longer IBC useful life.

其他IBC制造商可能受到一种材料结构或制造工艺偏好的限制, 这使得他们很难在某些应用中完全公正地提出产品建议, 而斯奈德代表可以对广泛的应用提出建议,而不偏向任何一种特定的IBC材料结构, 生产过程, 或者设计类型.

斯奈德客户享受的另一个额外好处是能够将不同的IBC和罐产品的购买组合在一起,用于各种应用, and qualify for deeper discounts, which helps improve their company's bottom line.

Snyder IBC Tote Durability

Maximum Durability and Safety Factors

Built to Last, While Protecting Property and Personnel

从苛刻的原材料鉴定过程到对不同产品设计特点的细致有限元分析, Snyder的工程专业知识借鉴了超过55年的实践经验,以确定针对特定应用要求的最佳IBC设计. 一旦IBC设计成功地完成了美国交通部的测试要求,并通过了斯奈德严格的内部第一条批准协议, IBC发布用于生产,并由行业领先的质量保证基础设施进行监控,以确保IBC长期保持一致的性能.

Snyder 塑料 IBCs are known for their revolutionary thick walled construction, which is molded from a proprietary processing technology, resulting in world class durability in the most demanding applications. 从斯奈德的塑料ibc中切割出的样品可以冷冻到零下40华氏度,并承受高达200英尺的压力. 磅. of dart impact force to help confirm maximum impact strength capabilities, which delivers containers that can withstand the most severe “real world” abuse for many years.

In IBC applications not compatible with a 塑料 material construction, Snyder also manufactures a complete line of stainless and carbon steel IBCs, which are better suited for high temperature and flammable material applications. 事实上, some applications may require a combination of steel and 塑料, which is also a good match with 斯奈德行业’ unique capabilities, as the only company to manufacture steel, 塑料, 和复合ibc.


Optimum Useful Life to Cost Performance

The Best Returnable IBC Value in the Industry

当公司计算初始投资和IBC在其整个生命周期中的旅行次数和年数时, there is no better value than Snyder’s 塑料 IBCs. 卓越的冲击强度和耐化学性的结合是无与伦比的塑料和复合IBC行业, which not only results in a much longer useful life, 而且还显著减少了与其他IBC设计相关的年度维护和更换部件成本.

In addition to generating a better tangible return as a productive company asset, 斯奈德IBC的存在也可以证明公司对员工和客户的质量和安全的更高承诺,而使用其他IBC产品并不总是推断出这一点, which can be a significant intangible benefit for Snyder IBC owners.

In applications where 塑料 IBCs might not be feasible, Snyder的不锈钢和碳钢ibc也可以提供持久的价值和有意义的投资回报. 钢IBCs are constructed of heavy gauged steel, 并由最新的机器人技术和高技能的焊工团队焊接在一起,以确保IBC在预期应用中的最大耐用性.


Customizable Design Features

IBC Function can be Customized to Meet Exact Requirements

No one IBC design is suitable for all applications, despite some IBC suppliers’ claims. 斯奈德行业不仅拥有市场上最广泛的标准IBC产品选择, but also has the capability to modify existing products to meet specific functional needs, or custom design a brand new IBC to address unique application requirements.

客户是否希望改善IBC填充或分配功能,或在特定应用中增加容器的安全系数, Snyder's design flexibility can address most customer's performance desires. Besides offering a full line of accessories and components to interface with most IBC designs, Snyder IBC dimensions and shapes can be reconfigured to achieve the desired performance results.

Being the only IBC manufacturer of steel, 塑料, 和复合ibc gives Snyder more design options in customizing IBCs for almost any application.

Company Branded 自定义IBC手提袋

Reinforce Company Branding Strategies

An IBC can be an Extension of a Branding Strategy

一些客户人员与供应商的第一次互动可能是IBC将产品交付到他们的工厂的那一刻, 对ibc设计和功能的最初印象可能是影响客户对供应公司产品和服务绩效评价的因素之一. Many companies view IBCs as product packaging, which reflects their organization’s values and culture, and they choose to create an IBC design that best represents the image they wish to portray, and/or support a company branding strategy.

Snyder ibc可以设计具有独特的外观或功能,以进一步将容器和内容物与竞争对手区分开来. Some companies may decide to utilize a custom design with their own proprietary shape, 大小, and color to maximize package differentiation, 而其他公司可能只是想用不同的颜色组合在容器上永久标记他们的公司标志, so the IBC is easily recognizable by their customers.

Regardless of a company’s branding strategy, Snyder IBCs can be designed to support the most unique packaging objectives.
